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My Interpretation of Dreams

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:40 pm
by Robin
Many books have been written about the subject of dreams and, more importantly, dream interpretation. My experiences have shown me that dream imagery is very personal to us and cannot be deciphered by using a generic book. Dreams stir our subconscious to remind us of something in our lives or expose deeply hidden emotions. Our dreams communicate with us via emotion and the imagery we see is what our subconscious conjures up to invoke that emotion within us so we sit up and take note of the message. Thus, you should not really be asking any outside source, 'What do my dreams mean?' We should be asking 'What does my dream mean to me?'

Re: My Interpretation of Dreams

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:41 pm
by KalRhael
That is true, but outside sources can always help. Our dreams can have so much possiblities in meaning, others can layout the possiblities and help us find out ways in seeing them again. But yes, in the end it is in each and every one of us that must define our very own dreams

Re: My Interpretation of Dreams

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:42 pm
by nameste116803399
being raised in a less-than-nurturing environment, and grasping the negative reinforcement, in my own experiences on this spiritual plane, has led to consistent negative dreaming. as I seek to let go of the falsehoods of past experiences, as I seek to overcome the indoctrinations of religion and addictions, I find that each big step is accompanied by an even larger and darker dream. Would this mean that I have not gone deep enough inside my inner being, or that fear is still a large part of my existance? in my little corner of living, there is nothing more enjoyable than a good positive dream, and nothing more awful than a bad dream. I would like to either balance the dream scales, or move the heavier end of the scales into the good dream section. Any input :)

Re: My Interpretation of Dreams

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:43 pm
by Light4Luv
For re-occuring "bad " dreams might like to try placing a piece of rose quartz beneath your pillow.... a friend of mine did that.... and said it helped......... justa thought ;)