

bullet Prejudice is the reasoning of fools.
bullet Prejudice is the maximum hate for the minimum reason.
bullet Prejudice is an opinion without judgment.
bullet Prejudices are a short cut to thinking.
bullet From prejudice to barbarism is but a single step.
bullet We reveal our character in our prejudices.
bullet We use reason to justify our prejudices.
bullet Passions kill reason and accept prejudice.
bullet Our prejudices are our masters.
bullet Often when we think we are thinking we are merely rearranging our prejudices.
bullet Difference breed prejudices.
bullet It is not the colour of the skin but the colour of the mind that matters.
bullet What we don’t understand we fear, what we fear we hate.
bullet Dogma is the end of thought.
bullet We are all prisoners of our experience.
bullet Where there is no common language there is suspicion.
bullet Examine the contents and not the bottle.
bullet All our blood is the same colour.
bullet Nationalism is the disease of mankind.
bullet No-one is born with prejudice.
bullet Prejudice is the fear of something different.
bullet Racism is not a way of thought – it is an absence of thought.